Most design and business decisions are based on some combination of personal preferences, fear, and wishful thinking instead of sound evidence. Most design research is ineffective because it isn’t asking or answering the right questions.
Just Enough Research is here to help.
Whether you’re just starting out in your design career, in the middle of a whole mess of product decisions, or trying to help your colleagues get over their fear of admitting ignorance, there is something in this book for you.
If you are a research specialist, this will help you, and help everyone you work with better appreciate what you do.
Just Enough Research has remained a popular handbook for over a decade, outlasting several technology hype cycles. It’s brief. It’s practical. It’s got jokes.
In 2024, we acquired the rights to Just Enough Research from the previous publisher, A Book Apart.
We redesigned the whole book for an improved reading experience, re-edited the content, and added a smidge about Jobs to Be Done, by popular request.
Also, going independent allowed us to lower the paperback list price by a few dollars.
Looking for the resources?
DRM-Free ebook available on Google Play
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“Just Enough Research is more than a book for designers. It’s a straightforward handbook for anyone who wants to create and deliver useful products customers value. It’s among my go to recommendations for all of my colleagues both new to their fields and seasoned professionals.”
“Just Enough Research is a book I always recommend. I give it to everyone who joins my team and have used Erika’s thinking in forming the basis of the programs I’ve helped set up or run.”
“Erika is an inspiration. Just read everything she writes.”
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